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Shall we introduce ourselves?

Updated: Jul 2

Welcome! I cannot simply explain in words the excitement I feel about putting wings to this project.

I am Maria Florencia Blanchet, or you can simply call me Flor, as many of the families who already know me tell me.

I studied medicine at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and specialized in Pediatric Medical Clinic. I completed my training at the Central Military Hospital in the City of Buenos Aires.

During these years of profession, I worked in various medical care centers in Argentina, Antarctica (Sounds crazy, doesn't it? I will elaborate later...), Barcelona and Chile. My last institutional job was at the Community Hospital of the city of Puerto Williams, Chile.

I am currently part of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics, and Spain Society of Pediatrics where I also keep up to date.

I find myself living very simply, aboard a sailboat with my family because I choose to do so. I decide to raise this way, convinced that the experience of sharing this journey with my son is the best I can offer him.

However, in these years, getting to know different places and people, I have found endless possibilities to help with my professional vision; I respect; time to listen and above all, empathy for the suffering of others.

I know what it feels like to die of fear and anguish seeing our sick children. I know what it feels like to not know and fear doing things wrong. I know. Because I am a mother, and I would have liked nothing more than to find a person who gives me confidence when everything seems hopeless.

Well, that's why I'm here, to be able to reach those families who need professional support in an issue as delicate as the upbringing and health of our children; without barriers of time or space.

We are super powerful beings raising others even more wonderful. What mission have we had, right?

Thank you

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